Trend confirmations & predictions for 2022

Trend confirmations & predictions for 2022

Future In Sight | Annual Report 2022


For this year’s Nextatlas’ Annual Report we have reviewed a few of our trends, decoded their evolution, and confirmed some of last year’s predictions. It was also an opportunity to think about the future, interpret signals, and discover what will be the trends that define the next year.

  • Key Insights

  • What’s inside

  • As the pandemic highlighted the many complexities of the food system, going beyond the environmental concerns has become an inevitable path.
  • The same social media platforms that have helped us create an idealized image of ourselves are now demystifying the culture of plastic surgery.
  • A Future-Thinking Attitude is merging these mixed and dynamic approaches with a long-term mindset.
  • Global interconnectivity and dependency has been replaced by a more decentralized, hyper-local form of purchasing.
  • From Facebook making the switch to Meta to virtual fashion brands, the Metaverse keeps sweeping through industries, building more fidelity along the way.
  • 8 key trends across 4 industries that map the past, present, and future of consumers & the market
  • Special Section : Into the Metaverse !
  • Significant consumer insights, data, and metrics from the analysis of each trend
  • Critical Insights to Action for each industry cluster
  • 38 pages

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