Innovate your innovation

Innovate your innovation

Nextatlas & Ipsos | Joint Webinar


Seeking out innovative solutions can often feel like moving in the dark... are you struggling to find your way forward?

This Report we'll guide you forward with the trends on the horizon plus invaluable insight from industry leaders well versed in the successes and pitfalls of that path.

  • Key Insights

  • What’s inside

  • Omni-channel landscape : new digital and virtual channels
  • Emerging trends on the evolution of "sustainability and innovation"
  • Next Generations: People and not consumers
  • New technologies: Iot, AI, VR, Blockchain
  • Significant Insights from the analysis of Key Stakeholders interviews from Top Italian Managers.
  • 3 Emerging Trends shaping the future of Innovation.
  • Powerful data, timelines and charts on the emerging phenomena that have most impacted the market during and after Covid -19.

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