Food & Beverage

Food & Beverage

Third Quarter 2021 | Trend Report


Coming off the back of a year of at-home education and exploration into the craft and intricacies of alcoholic beverages, today's drinkers have a better grasp than ever on what excites, intrigues, and concerns them. Moving forward, brands will need to adjust to these new standards not just in their products, but also in their business practices & strategies

  • Key Insights

  • What’s inside

  • As drinkers push the bounds of their explorations, bold new flavors & ingredients as well as emerging alternative lifestyles are gaining popularity
  • Consumers expectations are extending beyond the label, leading to an increased scrutiny over the specificity and verifiability of brands' sustainability commitments
  • Armed with heightened knowledge and expectations, burgeoning connoisseurs are searching for ways to get involved in their favorite brands' behind the scenes activities
  • 3 cultural drivers & curated trends pertaining to the Alcoholic Beverage sector that have gained traction and point to specific consumer attitudes and expectations.
  • Significant key insights from the analysis of each trend
  • Data, timelines, graphs, and charts pertaining to target analysis, cross-industry relevance, and geographic localization
  • 9 Examples of innovative case studies and brand ideas addressing the topics identified
  • 19 pages

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