The World's First Generative-AI Trend Forecasting Service

Generate is powered by large language models and the Nextatlas engine.

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Say Goodbye to Time Consuming Methods

You can ask Generate about current and developing trends in natural language, and you will receive precise answers to your queries. The data used to generate the answers are constantly updated, enabling you to conduct real-time research that is highly customized to your question. This ensures that you receive only the information you truly need, without feeling overwhelmed by excessive amounts of data.

Unlocking the Full Potential of Data for Better Business Decisions

Trend Prediction

Accurate Answers with Natural Language Processing

Get accurate and relevant answers with ease thanks to our precise natural language responses. Our system understands and responds to your questions in everyday language, making it simple and straightforward to find the information you need.

Targets and Consumer Behaviours

Effortlessly Explore Curated Business Case Examples with AI-Powered Case Finder Technology

Our AI-powered business case matchmaker expertly matches you with the latest trends and consumer behaviors. With a curated selection of verified sources, you'll be able to find the perfect example to suit your needs.

AI generated moodboard

Unparalleled User Experience through Data-Backed Decisions

Experience unparalleled user engagement with direct access to data insights, enabling informed and data-driven decision-making.

The Credibility of Data: Unleashing

The Credibility of Data: Unleashing Trustworthy Answers

Our generative reports are anchored in the collective intelligence of over 300k cross industry innovators that we continuously crawl through all major social media platforms to find, providing a solid ground truth for our predictions. This ensuring that our predictions are grounded in truth. This guarantees that our 12 months forecasts are firmly based in reality and provide valuable insights for your strategy and foresight.

Join the future of forecasting

Generative forecasting is superior to traditional and data-driven forecasting in several key ways:

Data Sources

Utilizing data from early adopters to provide a unique view of emerging trends, carefully curated for accuracy.

Data Processing

Using advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze social media data, identifying patterns and relationships.

Real-time updates

Continuously updating predictions with new data for accurate and up-to-date forecasts.

Trend expertise

Designed and trained to identify and forecast trends, offering a level of expertise not found in general language models.

Get Generate Free for 3 Days

Subscribtion from €60 / Month. Cancel anytime

personal plan

FREE/3 daysThen €99 per month

3 Days of Free-Trial
Single User
Powered by Gpt-4
Fast and Accurate Results
Data sourced from Nextatlas Engine
AI-Powered Case Finder
150 Queries per Month
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87/month per user

Estimated cost for 2-10 users
Multiple Users
Personal Plan Features
Billed Annually
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How can we get a versatile tool, suitable for different teams, in order to improve marketing and creative strategies?

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